KunstWerkStede De Coene 1888-1977
Masters of art nouveau, art deco and design
Commissioned by the Museums and Cultural Heritage Unit of the city of Kortrijk [2006-2007]
Curator; exhibition scenography, direction and production of a series of filmed first-hand accounts

As part of a larger municipal project, the exhibition brought to life the history of the Kunstwerkstede De Coene.
Inspired by the ideas of the Arts & Crafts movement and the Wiener Werkstätte, the De Coene brothers started a Kunstwerkstede of their own in Kortrijk and developed it into a many-sided international firm. It offered the visitor a chance to rediscover ninety years of furniture, interior construction, architecture, and enterprise. Broelmuseum Kortrijk 2006.

Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen
Kunstwerkstede De Coene
Ambacht en industrie in design en architectuur

Openbaar Kunstbezit Vlaanderen
Kunstwerkstede De Coene
Art, craft & industry in design and architecture