Recollecting landscapes
on the rephotographing of the Flemish landscape
Commissioned by the University of Ghent and the Flemish Architecture Institute (Vai) [2006]
Direction and production of films and multimedia

The exhibition ‘Recollecting Landscapes’ explores the transformation of the Flemish landscape between 1904 and 2004.
In 1904, professor Jean Massart made dozens of photos of landscapes in Belgium. Photographer George Charlier refotographed sixty of these sites in 1980 for the National Botanical Gardens (Nationale Plantentuin). The urbanism division of the University of Ghent (Labo Stedenbouw) began an investigation of these photos and the transformation of the landscape in 2002. The Flemish Architecture Institute (Vai) asked Jan Kempenaers to photograph the same locations a third time in 2003. These series of photographs form the basis for a fascinating look on how the Flemish landscape evolved over the course of a century. SMAK Ghent, February – April 2006